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Aantal resultaten: 15( DE:"correctieve verkrachting" )


Tackling corrective rape in South Africa : the engagement between the LGBT CSOs and the NHRIs (CGE and SAHRC) and its role  / Luis Abolafia Anguita.

International Journal of Human Rights, 16 (2012) 3 (mar), p. 489-517
bron: International Journal of Human Rights jaargang: 16 (2012) 3 (mar), p. 489-517
samenvatting: The present article analysed whether or not the engagement between the LGBT CSOs and the NHRIs would be an effective alternative to tackle the problem of corrective rapes, due to the unworkable relationship between the LGBT CSOs and the government. Findings showed first, that there was indeed a role for this engagement; secondly, that this engagement would help to tackle the problem of corrective rape and other hate crimes against LGBT people; thirdly, that it would the best alternative to the present unworkable relationship between the LGBT CSOs and the government; fourthly, that the engagement between the LGBT CSOs and the two NHRIs (the CGE and the SAHRC) would put pressure on the government to act on the issue; and fifthly, with this engagement, the LGBT CSOs would be able to place corrective rape and other issues affecting LGBT people right at the heart of the human rights agenda.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (angui/tac)

Tackling corrective rape in South Africa : the engagement between the LGBT CSOs and the NHRIs (CGE and SAHRC) and its role
dgb artikelen (angui/tac)
Luis Abolafia Anguita.
International Journal of Human Rights

'We zullen je laten zien dat je wel degelijk een vrouw bent'; Interview Ndumie Funda, homorechtenactiviste  / Sarah Venema.

Volkskrant 03-08-2012
bron: Volkskrant 03-08-2012
samenvatting: Iedere week komen bij hulporganisaties in Zuid-Afrika tien nieuwe meldingen binnen van vrouwen die zijn verkracht wegens hun homoseksualiteit. Het is het topje van de ijsberg; het aantal neemt alleen maar toe. Via verkrachting willen de mannen lesbiënnes van hun homoseksualiteit 'afhelpen'. Corrective rape, noemen ze dat, 'corrigerende verkrachting'. Homorechtenactiviste Ndumie Funda strijdt openlijk tegen deze masculiene repressie en zij speelt een hoofdrol in de NTR-documentaire Strijders voor de liefde, waarin ze met haar gevecht tegen corrective rape.

signatuur: full_text

'We zullen je laten zien dat je wel degelijk een vrouw bent'; Interview Ndumie Funda, homorechtenactiviste
Sarah Venema.

Blind alleys, part II, country findings, South Africa : the unseen struggles of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex urban refugees in Mexico, Uganda and South Africa

- [San Fransico, CA]: ORAM (Organization for Refuge, Asylum & Migration), 2013 - 22 p.
uitgave: - [San Fransico, CA] : ORAM (Organization for Refuge, Asylum & Migration), 2013 - 22 p.
  1. migratie/vluchtelingen/asiel
  2. homoseksualiteit
samenvatting: In diverse talen verschenen gids. Blind alleys, part 1: Guidance for NGOs, Governments, UNHCR & Program Funders, is also part of the Ihlia collection cat. (blind/all) i # digitale bibliotheek grijs.

signatuur: cat. (blind/all) ii dgb grijs

Blind alleys, part II, country findings, South Africa : the unseen struggles of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex urban refugees in Mexico, Uganda and South Africa
cat. (blind/all) ii dgb grijs

Correcting Corrective Rape : Carmichele and Developing South Africa?s Affirmative Obligations To Prevent Violence Against Women  / Lorenzi Di Silvio.

Georgetown Law Journal, 99 (2011) 5, p. 1469-1515
bron: Georgetown Law Journal jaargang: 99 (2011) 5 , p. 1469-1515
samenvatting: "Corrective rape" is an act of violence against women committed by men ostensibly to "cure" lesbians of their nonconforming sexual orientation - "correct" it - the belief being that homosexuality is an imported white disease. Attackers, often family members, friends, or neighbors of the victims, say they are teaching lesbian women "lesson" by raping them and "showing them how to be ?a real woman.?" The danger of corrective rape, though, is not limited to lesbians: because corrective rape is meant to "cure," or simply to punish, nonconforming sexual orientations, corrective rape may affect not only gay women, but also any women with nonconforming sexual identities.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (silvio/cor)

Correcting Corrective Rape : Carmichele and Developing South Africa?s Affirmative Obligations To Prevent Violence Against Women
dgb artikelen (silvio/cor)
Lorenzi Di Silvio.
Georgetown Law Journal

Haiti's fight for gay rights : As LGBT community becomes more visible, anti-gay violence rises, too  / Allyn Gaestel.

Al Jazeera America 08-11-2014
bron: Al Jazeera America 08-11-2014
samenvatting: Haiti?s LGBT community, which has long existed in relative secrecy, has faced greater criticism since the deadly earthquake that struck the island nation in 2010. From the pulpit and on the radio, evangelists, some inspired by American sponsors and mentors, have blamed the earthquake on the sins of the country?s gay population. Gay Haitians living in tent camps after the disaster reported "corrective" rape and increased harassment as a result of the greater exposure of displacement and flimsy shelters.

signatuur: full_text

Haiti's fight for gay rights : As LGBT community becomes more visible, anti-gay violence rises, too
Allyn Gaestel.
Al Jazeera America

Zanele Muholi : Faces + Phases 2006-14  / 

Zanele Muholi ;Göttingen: Steidl ; [etc.], 2014 - 365 p.: ill.
uitgave: Göttingen: Steidl ; [etc.], 2014 - 365 p.: ill.
samenvatting: In Faces and Phases 2006-14, Zanele Muholi embarks on a journey of visual activism to ensure black queer and transgender visibility. Despite South Africas progressive Constitution and twenty years of democracy, black lesbians and trans men remain the targets of brutal hate crimes and so-called corrective rapes. Taken over the past eight years, the more than 250 portraits in this book, accompanied by moving testimonies, present a compelling statement about the lives and struggles of these individuals. They also comprise an unprecedented and invaluable archive: marking, mapping and preserving an often invisible community for posterity.

signatuur: cat. (muhol/zan) bb

Zanele Muholi : Faces + Phases 2006-14
cat. (muhol/zan) bb
Zanele Muholi ;

Men are also 'corrective rape' victims  / Angelo Louw.

Mail & Guardian 11-04-2014
bron: Mail & Guardian 11-04-2014
samenvatting: Many men, thanks to social stigmas, are ashamed to report sexual hate crimes in South Africa - but they are almost as common as they are against lesbians.

signatuur: full_text

Men are also 'corrective rape' victims
Angelo Louw.
Mail & Guardian

Corrective Rape in South Africa : Cultural Issues and Policy Solutions  / Charles Fletcher.

LGBTQ Policy Journal, 5 (2014-2015), p. 61-66
bron: LGBTQ Policy Journal jaargang: 5 (2014-2015), p. 61-66
samenvatting: This article reviews the cultural and legal issues of corrective rape of lesbian women in South Africa and proposes policy solutions to ameliorate this social problem. Corrective rape negatively affects lesbians through sexist discrimination and homophobia, but it also impacts gay men and hinders economic growth in the country. A lack of legal protections and improper enforcement keep lesbian women in a precarious state. Despite these issues, the South African government has the tools and resources to create policy interventions such as tailored health services, education, and legal reforms. These policy measures can lead to a safer and more productive environment for lesbian women and other LGBT persons.

signatuur: ts.

dgb periodieken

Corrective Rape in South Africa : Cultural Issues and Policy Solutions
ts. dgb periodieken
Charles Fletcher.
LGBTQ Policy Journal

Faces and Phases  / 

Zanele Muholi.München: Prestel, 2010 - 96 p.: ill.
uitgave: München: Prestel, 2010 - 96 p.: ill.
samenvatting: The 'Faces and Phases' series of black and white portraits by Zanele Muholi focuses on the commemoration and celebration of black lesbians' lives. Muholi embarked on this project in 2007, taking portraits of women from the townships in South Africa. In 2008, after the xenophobic and homophobic attacks that led to the mass displacement of people in that country, she decided to expand the ongoing series to include photographs of woman from different countries. Collectively, the portraits are an act of visual activism. Depicting women of various ages and backgrounds, this gallery of images offers a powerful statement about the similarities and diversity that exist within the human race.

signatuur: cat. (muhol/fac) bb

Faces and Phases
cat. (muhol/fac) bb
Zanele Muholi.

(Re)visualizing Black lesbian lives, (trans)masculinity, and township space in the documentary work of Zanele Muholi  / Z'étoile Imma.

Journal of Lesbian Studies, 21 (2017) 2 (apr-may), p. 219-241
bron: Journal of Lesbian Studies jaargang: 21 (2017) 2 (apr-may), p. 219-241
samenvatting: This article explores the politics of representing Black queer and trans subjectivities in the recent documentary film and photography of South African lesbian visual activist Zanele Muholi. While Muholi's work has been most often been positioned as an artistic response to the hate-crimes and violence perpetuated against Black lesbians in South African townships, most notably acts of sexual violence known increasingly as corrective rape, I argue that Muholi's documentary texts trouble the spatial, gendered, and highly racialized articulations that make up an increasingly global corrective rape discourse. The article considers how her visual texts foreground and (re)visualize Black queer and trans gender experiences that relocate, challenge, collaborate with, and at times, perform, masculinity as means to subvert heterosexist and racist constructions of township space and the Black gendered body.

signatuur: ts.

(Re)visualizing Black lesbian lives, (trans)masculinity, and township space in the documentary work of Zanele Muholi
Z'étoile Imma.
Journal of Lesbian Studies


( DE:"correctieve verkrachting" )

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